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I am in college and will try to update as much as i can about my adventures in Minecraft

May 31, 2011

Something new

Hello everyone, im trying out something new and doing bullet points give me feedback if I should keep doing it or not now heres what is going on so far in my awesome minecraft world:

  • I managed to save to wooden house and put brick on the top so lightning can't set it on fire
  • The fireplace in the wooden house is now a escape route just in case zombies somehow get in.
  • I built a tree house, now its not a dinky ass one where its like a tower, no its big but only one story and topped with cobblestone since it is built out of wood on top of trees yeah thats right i made it on trees.

  • I made a neat little brick house that has dirt on the outside so it looks like a hillish thing but its a small house the bedroom is a bit cramped though.
  • so I have this hole house and its pretty cool its brick wall and wood floor and well I decided to line the wall with bookshelves it looks like a library and I'm surprised im able to still use the bed XD

So thats it for whats going on in my minecraft world(s) I have been playing just one right now and its coming along nicely, looking for a new texture pack and stuff right now so keep checking and ill keep posting.  I will be prewriting some stuff and add to them if necessary I would love some feedback to help me improve.

May 30, 2011


this is a nether in one of my worlds where the ghasts decided to commit suicide NOTE: there is a post after the pics

 a rainy view of  the server i play on or at least my part

 the construction of my zoo that will have a portal

just got the glass roof on it and looking snazzy

 up on the hill is my wood house that caught fire and then there are the other buildings, it looks so nice at night.

Hello everyone, so ive been lazy and havent done much, I have finals coming up and I need to get a project done and a essay done as well, in minecraft i did make a cool zoo with a portal in it but it turns out that where it is in the nether is in a cave, i was trying to explore (had it on easy) and there was a ghast out there, waiting and shooting fireballs at me  I will try to get pics and make it so nether creatures are able to get into the zoo.  I did build a pretty neat one room wooden house and i decided to put a fire place in...the place caught on fire so um yeah i decided to stop playing for that day and went to watch stuff on youtube im going to keep playing i hope to get on soon so yeah heres some pics before the post of course

May 27, 2011

in Bend till saturday

Hey everyone or the few who read this. I am in Ben till Saturday but enough about that.  So in single player i have entered the Nether, twice in two different worlds and both times  I am lost, i may end up just living there or try to make a new portal to my old world, nothing new in multiplayer except that my friend got turned into a freaking vampire and likes to come after me now for blood, though it only happened once but hey it could happen again.  No new sculptures yet, I do plan to play tonight while my bro, his friend and my mom go see death cab for cutie, I just came for vacation and free internet.  I'll take more pictures soon and post them up at some point.  Please feel free to follow and comment, I always say this and no one does it makes me a sad panda since I don't know if people like what I say or not ;_; Anyways im off to go explore apparently and have lunch ill see if i can get some pics and post them tonight.

May 24, 2011

oh hay gais

Yeah im sorry that I havent been posting, my bro had a rugby game on saturday and are now the 3rd division champions, I have been working on my village slowly, the mansion is almost done as well even though its not technically in the walled area, there is a path but it is through a cave that im still working on improving for travel.  the server isnt fully rp ready yet, I still am doing things legit and stuff (sort of) but I am still building things that are pretty cool.  So that is whats been going on and im sorry for this being late, I was busy this weekend with going to the gym and stuff.

May 13, 2011


Heres some pics and yes i live in the microwave
My village, i dont know if I posted this already, the statue I took down and stuff ill post a more recent pic up when i get the chance

 yep a pig in a hole i dont even know how

 a iron house that I made on single player

my nice microwave house, and no it isn't plugged in im going to try to make a microwave house with the cord and stuff on my server

water vortex, comment if you want to know how to do it

May 8, 2011

Mansion almost done

So on minecraft nothing new is happening, the server is slowly getting to the RPG mmo state, me and a bud have been busy (mostly me) on a mansion he got the roof done and i'm getting the floors done.  I am still working on my legit village I just got a post office done and a grocery store though most of the buildings need the glass for windows and doors, still hating the lag since it slows down my process and yes I am working on the farming by the base for the construction site i made a hole for the wheat, it looks pretty cool. There is a cave under the mansion that i am working on to make into the basement. slowly but surely ill get it done someday, check in next week for a update and what happened on my birthday, I'll be twenty next week and im excited about it. My brother got portal 2 and is making his way through the campaign with Glados criticizing him through every puzzle. Feel free to comment and follow

May 3, 2011


Creeperking tower

my awesome cow

 i have no idea, i think its a snake

 a test dragon that i did, and yes there is a checkered creeper in the back